Bundles » Rail Transport Basics
The teaching package "Rail Transport Basics" contains information on selected fundamentals of rail freight transport such as infrastructure (rail network, stations, track widths), wagon types, rail cargo as well as production forms of rail freight transport (block train, single wagon transport, wagon group transport, combined transport). It comprises PowerPoint slides, a reader, and several different exercises.
Reader Rail Transport Basics
The reader is recommended to supplement the Power Point slides on “Rail Transport Basics" and contains further information on rail as a mode of transport.
- You can freely use, adapt and share the set of slides.
Exercise: autonomous driving in rail transport
This exercise deals with the topic "Autonomous driving in rail transport". You will also find a sample solution in the download area. The password for the solution can be obtained on request at rerail@fh-vie.ac.at.
- you are free to use, adapt and share this exercise.
Exercise: current challenges for rail transport
This exercise deals with the current challenges for rail transport from the point of view of a railway undertaking. You will also find a sample solution in the download area. The password for the solution can be obtained on request at rerail@fh-vie.ac.at.
- you are free to use, adapt and share this exercise.
Exercise: Rail Freight Forward
This exercise deals with basics of rail freight transport and serves as a supplement to the Reader "Rail Transport Basics". You will also find a sample solution in the download area. The password for the solution can be obtained on request at rerail@fh-vie.ac.at.
- you are free to use, adapt and share this exercise.
Exercise: Connect 4
This exercise is recommended as a supplement to the film sets "Fundamentals of rail transport" and "Combined transport". With this Connect 4, pupils can test their knowledge of rail freight transport.
In the download area you will find information on how to use this exercise in class as well as information for the pupils.
- you are free to use, adapt and share this exercise.
Video "How Freight Trains Connect the World"
EU Transport in Figures 2022 - Statistical pocketbook 2022
This publication provides an overview of the most recent and most pertinent annual transport-related statistics in Europe. It covers the European Union and its 27 Member States (EU-27) and, as far as possible, the current EU candidate countries, the EFTA countries and UK.